Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mmm, Buns...(updated)

I love buns. Especially when they're in my oven.

Yes, this means that I'm pregnant. I'm 8 weeks along and we found out on December 4. We're so completely utterly excited, because this is why I got the Lap-Band in the first place. Of course, I didn't think it'd happen so quickly, but not everything's up to me now is it?

I've still been losing weight - I saw 245 yesterday morning (naked weight), but I'm not going to update my ticker because I ate like it was going out of style yesterday! Unfortunately, chocolate so far is the one thing that seems to keep me from barfing everything I eat. I did, however update my ticker to show 246.2 (today, clothed)--which means I reached another mini-goal! Wahoooo!

This is also the reason I haven't been so active on the blog in the last month. We wanted to keep it a secret until 12 weeks but just couldn't wait any longer. I was a little nervous at first because I got pregnant so soon after my surgery, but my lapband doctor reassured me that everything would be fine. He also said he wouldn't remove too much of my fill unless I need it. I'm still going to utilize my band throughout this pregnancy and hopefully I won't actually gain any weight; I'm hoping to at least maintain.

As far as this blog goes, it's still going to be mainly about Lap-Band surgery, but with a pregnancy twist. I hope you all continue reading!

Anyway. I hope you all had a wonderful day because I know I sure did!


Stef said...

wow congrats...what are u gonna do with ure band? do they keep it tight or loosen it up? I wish u nothing but a well pregnancy...congrats again

Justawallflower said...

Oh, that is so wonderful! What a Christmas present! Congrats to you and your husband!

Okibum said...

That's so great! Congrats!!!

denisse_segura said...

omo :D!! I'm a new reader. sorry for not commenting before! but Congratulations to you and your husband!! I'm so happy for you!!

~Lisa~ said...

Oh my Heavens!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an absolutely WONDERFUL Christmas gift!! I am so very happy for you and your Hubs!! Oh Mercy!! Wowowowow!!!! (((((hugggsssss))))) to BOTH of you!!!

Silverhairedgoddess said...

Congratulations! You must be over the moon!

Rachel said...

Congrats...that is wonderful news! What an exciting way to start the new year!

Mo said...

Congratualtions on the fabulous news!!

deanna@delirious-rhapsody said...

congratulations! how exciting! :)

Amanda said...

I am just getting back to reality! I am so excited and happy for you! Also hopeful...because this is the reason the MAIN reason I got banded too!!! I can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

Holy Moses! CONGRATS!

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