My Story

My name is Christina. I married Marc on August 5, 2007, and our daughter, Karinne, was born August 3, 2011. My lap-band story begins in Daegu, South Korea.

I've been overweight for the majority of my life, but my weight really ballooned after my mother passed away in January 2008. In November of that year I finally crossed the 300-pound mark, and it freaked me out. My husband and I moved to South Korea to teach English in February 2009, and there I managed to lose about 20 pounds on my own. However, I wasn't ready to take the lap-band leap until September 2010. We'd been trying for a baby since December 2009, and it just wasn't happening. I decided to go to the doctor just to make sure everything was working correctly, and she told me I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) but wouldn't help me get pregnant until I lost at least 10 pounds. Well, to be honest, I didn't want to get pregnant already weighing 280 pounds and I also wanted to live a long healthy life and see my children grow up and be able to keep up with them.

Enter the lap-band.

I found a surgeon in Seoul and was banded on October 30, 2010, at 275 pounds. They don't have near the pre-surgery requirements so it was really easy to get the surgery. Things were going well, and by December I was down to 252 pounds.

Enter pregnancy.

Prior to the surgery, we decided to stop trying for a baby until I'd lost the majority of my weight. Well, I guess *someone* had other plans for us because on December 4th I got my positive pregnancy test! I was shocked, to say the least. We'd been trying for so long with no success and now, just when we'd stopped trying, I was pregnant! I still managed to lose weight during the first 2 trimesters, nearly 20 pounds, so I really think the band helped me a lot and kept me from overeating too much.  We moved back to the US to our new home in Alabama on April 25, 2011 when I was 26 weeks pregnant. I was 268 pounds on the day I delivered, and a week later I was 241. Now, as of March 2012, I'm back up to 257--5 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight. My first fill post-baby is scheduled for March 5; I feel like a new bandster all over again!

Please continue to follow me on this journey to my goal of 160 pounds, with a baby in tow!

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